Last weekend, on a Saturday so windy the windows rattled, 14 people gathered in my attic art and meditation space to explore and craft with tarot. Jane Meredith and I were holding 2 half day workshops together. The first one was called 'Exploring the Tarot' and the second was 'Crafting the Tarot'.

Exploring the tarot was a fast paced and activity filled 3 hours. We introduced ourselves using our cards, we used them to answer fun questions and we used the Major Arcana to tell a story, as a group. We did an incredible turning wheel, mini tarot reading activity where we all only had a minute each to give a specific type of reading for the person in front of us, which changed after each question. We read for ourselves in a simple 3 card style and we ended it all by creating a gift for another person using our cards. The focus was to use our intuition and find new ways of using the tarot cards that were fun, accessible and allowed little time for our analytical minds to jump in and tell us we were 'wrong'!
Crafting the tarot was a slightly more relaxed and intimate affair as we were all warmed up from our action packed morning. I explained how I created a deck and told some specific personal stories of a couple of cards like The Devil and The Wheel of Fortune. I answered questions that people had about my deck and we then used the entire deck together to go a bit deeper with our intuition.
I guided people in creating their own spread, based on a question from a mystery member of the group. This was fun and successful and we had many relationship spreads come out of the mix!

Lastly everyone had the task of creating their very own card. this involved collage as a means of collecting and marrying symbols to express meaning. We had some incredible designs made up by people, who were then able to explain their symbolism and receive feedback on what we all saw in the images they created. It seems people chose to create images based on personality traits they identified with or things they wanted to bring into their life further.
Linda (pictured below) created the prince of wands 'because he is full of energy, passion, action, adventure and determination.' She also added later: ' I thought the workshop was a great learning experience, I learnt so much in that one day and I would definitely do it again.' Thanks for participating Linda!

There were many questions from people about whether or not there would be more similar workshops later in the year. At the moment I'm working on a little secret (which I will soon let out of the bag) and while more workshops have not yet been planned, it is always a likelihood! In the meantime I am holding the last 'Tarot and Tea Party' (for a while) at Afternoonified, on Saturday August 13. It's only $5 and spots are filling fast! The event page is:
Jane Meredith also runs workshops regularly on tarot and other magical things. Her work is well worth a visit at And might I add Jane is a dream to work with! :)
Thanks for tuning in!
Bianca Wolff